4 Dan Street

Dalby QLD 4405

(07) 4662 6174

Sales and Support

Mon - Fri: 7:00 - 4:00

Save your Money
Get a rebuild

Walsh and Ford can help you save some money by rebuilding your old worn out machinery. We make things work and look like new again so you don’t have any downtime when you are relying on your equipment to perform. We can restore to original specs or make improvements and alterations as well.

Grain Buggy / Grain Cart

Grain Buggy / Grain Cart Rebuild and Modifications

15 Tonne converted to 16 Tonne with Stainless Steel Augers

Grain Buggy / Grain Cart Rebuilds

Miitze Grain Cart Rebuild with Modifications

Miitze 12 Tonne with 12 inch auger converted to 15 Tonne with 15 inch Auger

Kinze Grain Cart Auger Rebuild

Grain Augers and Conveyor

47' x 9" Auger

Rebuild with added Power Winch modification

General Grain Auger Rebuild

Liset Grain Auger Rebuild


Cotton Module Loader and Mover Rebuild